February 2014 Archive

VOTE 2014: Lalas wants to bring youth voice to Council table

Throughout Alice Lalas’ time at Queen’s University seeking her bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a common refrain bemoaned the lack of youth involvement in civic life.

St. Max teens put finishing touches on Robot Max 3.0

Students at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS have spent the last week working in over drive to finish Max. The 43 teens have put the finishing touches on Max 3.0, their robot, in time for ...

Town calls on Ontario to introduce recall elections

A motion calling on the Province to put the wheels in motion on legislation giving voters the opportunity to turf their public officials if they lose the confidence of the people that put them in office was passed by Aurora Councillors last week.

Aurora says thanks, but no thanks to Provincial counter-offer on sports lands

Aurora might need the help of its MPP to ensure local soccer teams have the room they need to play. Following last week’s meeting, Councillors will be looking to MPP Frank Klees for...

Public has sharp words for heritage plan

Plans for a $10 million “heritage park” combining three landmark properties on Aurora’s north stretch of Yonge Street have been put on ice for up to three months – but members of the public have some heated views on how the project has proceeded so far.

Heritage Park plan on ice for up to 90 days in hunt for private partnerships

In recent weeks, the focus of an extensive “heritage park” on Yonge Street has shifted from a municipal project to securing private sector partners – now, Council has set a window of 90 says to see if these opportunities actually exist.

Aurora calls for a long-term Federal plan to “fix housing crunch”

Amid calls for more measures to help in last week’s Federal budget for more support on affordable houses in towns, cities and regions, Aurora took a step forward.

Prime Minister announces $53 billion deal in Vandorf

So, the name might not be too creative but Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a “historic” 10-year infrastructure deal last week which could enable communities across the country to get those creative juices flowing.

Students think globally and act locally on homelessness and hunger

Students don’t often give sandwiches a second thought. They are fairly standard fare, nothing to love, nothing to hate. But teens in Aurora High School’s Students for Global Issues Club know otherwise.

Fire and Ice marks Aurora’s Family Day bash

Aurora families had no shortage of things to do to keep busy this Family Day. Hundreds of local families flocked to Town Park on Monday morning to...

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