January 2015 Archive

IN GOOD COMPANY: Getting Down to Business

By Mayor Geoff Dawe I hope everyone had a relaxing break over the past few weeks. I had the opportunity to spend time with my ...


By Lois Brown, MP Newmarket-Aurora CPP – Just the Facts Any productive discussion on the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) needs to be based on facts ...

SENIOR SCAPE: A Walk in the Park

A Stroll in the Park for Aurora Seniors By Jim Abram It is that time of year again when you are contemplating embarking on your ...

POLITICS AS USUAL: Fragile Democracy

By Alison Collins-Mrakas The events of the past week have been truly devastating. The horrific attack in Paris has caused us to question not only ...


Giving Ontarians the Retirement they Deserve By Chris Ballard, MPP Newmarket-Aurora The good news is that we’re living longer and are able to enjoy healthy ...

FRONT PORCH PERSPECTIVE: Engaging our Citizens

By Stephen Somerville I was all set to write that this community seems increasingly willing to be governed by the few (who vote, that is). ...


By Brock Weir Many of us are brought up with the philosophy of turning the other cheek. It is not a matter of burying one’s ...


By Jan Freedman Happy New Year’s greetings to all. I hope that you experienced a wonderful time with family and friends over the holidays. Now ...

Right hand turn lane needed for Yonge and Wellington

Well, here we go again. Another new Council left the task of remedying the ever continuing traffic congestion at the Yonge/Wellington intersection from the previous ...

Artist “gets under the skin” in APL’s Colleen Abbott Gallery

Focusing on a journey in the series “Inside Out”, Ms. Adam focuses on what makes today’s youth tick.

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