November 2015 Archive

TV host, disabled sports champion take their spots in Aurora Sports Hall of Fame

Last week, The Auroran touched on two new inductees into the Aurora Sports Hall of Fame’s hallowed halls: volleyball star Mark Heese and Canadian tennis icon Kenneth Sinclair. This week, we shift focus to the Hall of Fame’s two other newest members: Alan Dean and Lowell McClenny.

Cookie it Up set to rise with Provincial dough

Cookie It Up has been one of Aurora’s best kept secrets for over 30 years, but thanks to some provincial dough, the local bakery is set to let the world in.

Town looks for ways to crack down on door-to-door sales

If you’ve opened your door to find someone on your stoop claiming to represent the Town of Aurora, there is a chance that simply wasn’t the case – and those actually representing the Town are now looking at ways to clamp down on potential fraudsters following last week’s Council meeting.

New MPs excited to be dual voices for one Aurora

They still have to pin down locations for their new constituency offices, but Aurora’s newly-minted Members of Parliament Leona Alleslev and Kyle Peterson are already working from the same playbook: one Canada, one country, one Aurora.

BROCK’S BANTER: At the gates

By Brock Weir Despite grey and gloomy skies on Friday, I left Trinity Anglican Church with a bit of sunshine. I am not a religious ...

POLITICS AS USUAL: Time for Frank Talk

By Alison Collins-Mrakas I generally ascribe to the belief that all politics is – ultimately – local, but given the horrific events in France, it ...


By Stephen Somerville Now that the Federal Election has taken place and the Liberals have a majority, what’s in store for the Federal Conservative Party? ...

VIEW FROM QUEEN’S PARK: Remembering their families, too

By Chris Ballard, MPP Newmarket-Aurora When this column is published it will be well past November 11. All the poppies will have disappeared and the ...

SENIOR SCAPE: Celebrate in Merry Measure

By Sylvia Gilchrist The Evergreen Choir will be celebrating the Christmas season with their annual Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 12. Tickets are only $5 ...

Highland Gate article had “omission”, says reader

Your most recent article that summarized the October 28 Town Planning meeting regarding the Highland Gate development proposal once again opted to omit any mention ...

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