January 2017 Archive

Ex-Panther named NCAA goaltender of the month

A transfer to one of the top hockey schools in the United States has paid off in spades for Melissa Black.

Bantam AA Tigers victorious in home tournament

The Aurora Tigers found success in the organization’s 48th annual Bantam tournament, held over the weekend in rinks across town.

Go the extra mile for your neighbours in need this winter with Neighbourhood Network

After York Region had a relatively easy winter last year, this one is making up for lost time, giving residents no shortage of opportunities to get outside and clear away significant snowfalls, one shovel-full at a time. But, across York Region, there are many seniors and those with mobility challenges for whom a winter snow event can mean several days – or longer – housebound with no alternative.

Budget talks included battle over training

Hammering out last year’s Budget, Aurora Council put the amount of money they allocate for the ongoing training of staff members under the microscope – and they once again dusted off their arguments for this year’s budget, putting off a proposed $70,000 boost to the program to offset next year’s tax increase.

SENIOR SCAPE: Time for Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

By Jim Abram Well, 2017 is here! Another year for seniors to be active, especially by participating in the many sport and physical activity programs ...

One Book One Aurora tackles LGBTQ themes with “Natural Order”

By Brock Weir When Brian Francis goes to book clubs enjoying his second novel, Natural Order, he’s often greeted with a familiar refrain: “How could ...

United Church hopes to break ground on new home this Spring

They have been without a true spiritual home to call their own since a devastating pre-Easter fire in April 2014 burned Aurora United Church to the ground; now, the Aurora United Church congregation is...

Next steps in Cultural Precinct plan due January 24

As the late afternoon sun beat down on Friday, a familiar ritual played out. Families laced up...

Powerhouse Raiders too much for Aurora Tigers

The Aurora Tigers are down to their bare bones for the remainder of the season, and it showed through in their return to hockey after the holiday break.

Random Acts of Kindness raised smiles during holiday season

A rogue elf hijacked a busload of seniors from the Oak Ridges Retirement Community, joyriding through Aurora, King and Richmond Hill in the lead-up to the holiday season.

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