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Aurora could be more “proactive” on rental property inspection

December 8, 2022   ·   0 Comments

Aurora could soon take a more “proactive” approach to inspecting rental properties, if Ward 2 Councillor Rachel Gilliland gets her way.

Council is set to consider a motion from Councillor Gilliland next week that calls on staff to report back on the “feasibility and implications” of putting in place a “proactive property inspection program” for rental apartment buildings and rental residential units, including secondary suites, which often take the form of basement apartments.

Should the motion pass, staff will also be tasked to report back on the implementation of a Residential Rental Unit licensing system and to work with Central York Fire Services on safety inspections.

“Aurora has been home to many emerging rental properties and is expected to grow in the coming years,” says the Councillor in her motion. “The Town of Aurora has experienced a large increase in property standards and safety concerns that are currently complaint-driven. A licensing and inspection program could assist in a proactive approach to ensure safety of the tenants and respect current municipal property standards bylaws.”

Next week’s Motion is the result of a commitment Councillor Gilliland made on the campaign trail this past summer, which also included a formal registry for existing rental units.

“While we have a policy in place for illegal and legal rental units, by having a registry of sorts this will ensure that we have a more proactive approach in doing these inspections to ensure that property standards are up to snuff and also up to code for safety,” said Councillor Gilliland at the time, before expanding on the Property Standards Bylaw.

“This is something I certainly would try to address because it is becoming a concern in the community, especially as people can’t afford to buy a home [and] you’re seeing a lot more homes with secondary suites, so there has been a lot of issues…with respect to property standards and also in parking and garbage as well. There’s a way we can regulate those things, modernize our bylaws, and also make them a little bit more proactive.”

By Brock Weir
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter



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