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Aurora Votes 2018: Business-owner and volunteer Ken Turriff eyes Public School trustee post

October 17, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavilons

An engaged parent and dedicated volunteer is seeking the trustee post representing Aurora and King at the York Region District School Board.
Ken Turriff says he knows first-hand the importance of parents, students, teachers, principals, and staff all coming together to foster student success across both elementary and secondary schools.
“As the trustee, I will actively listen to everyone’s concerns and work tirelessly to make education better for all students,” he says. “This means being accessible as well as promising to ensure greater oversight, accountability, and leadership at the board and throughout our school system.”
Moreover, Turriff noted he wants to restore public confidence in the YRDSB following numerous controversies. He won’t shy away from pressing issues facing the education system, such as the sex education curriculum or caps on classroom sizes.
At the heart of his pledge to achieve student success are the following areas of focus:
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) with a special emphasis to help female students excel and succeed; physical literacy; financial literacy; First Nations and social justice programs; inclusivity for students facing physical or cognitive barriers and mental health and suicide prevention awareness.
Turriff is confident his education and experience in the region give him the skills needed to do the job.
He’s currently a small business owner in Aurora and King, having purchased snap’d Aurora last year, and he’s a seasoned senior public affairs and government relations professional and educator with nearly 20 years of experience in the municipal government, post-secondary education and not-for-profit sectors.
Turriff also has a Master of Education degree from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto.
“I pride myself on being an effective networker, strategic thinker, communicator and consensus builder,” he says.
Turriff is also an active community leader and volunteer. He’s been involved in the Character Community Foundation of York Region; Aurora’s Heritage Advisory Committee; the Town of Aurora’s Canada 150 Ad-Hoc Committee; the Aurora Mayor’s Taskforce on Physical Fitness; United Way York Region; Scouts Canada and the Yellow Brick House Women’s Shelter.



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