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Community Recognition Awards: Youth Karsen Roy honoured for leadership

Karsen Roy has made her mark as a leader on the soccer pitch, on the ice, and within Country Day School.

Last year, her work was recognized by the Town of Aurora with the 2020 Youth Volunteer Award, part of the Town's Community Recognition Awards program.

The Youth Volunteer Award is presented to a citizen up to the age of 19 who has made a significant contribution to the community through volunteerism and being a positive leader.

“Karsen Roy is an exemplary youth who cares deeply about her community,” said Mayor Tom Mrakas, who presented the award virtually in June. “She has accumulated more than 220 community service hours by contributing to a variety of programs and projects. She is a high-level athlete who spends a lot of time volunteering with various groups like the Special Needs Soccer Program and the Younger Panthers Team. She has supported organizations like Me to We, Run for the Cure, and was one of the original members of the Country Day School Cares team. This group is [comprised] of students and faculty members who organize schoolwide food and non-food donation drives and deliver homemade lunches to the homeless.”

She was also honoured for her work on Country Day School's annual Terry Fox Run and efforts to underscore the immediacy of the annual event to her peers.

“I wanted to express my gratitude in receiving this award as it truly means a lot to me,” said Karsen. “Thank you so much for the Town of Aurora for giving me a chance to volunteer in the community while bettering myself. Something else I would like to mention while I have the chance is that in my efforts to volunteer, it has always come from my sincere hope to make the community a more generous, genuine and inclusive environment.

“Volunteering has taught me to trust the process, to reach out to those in need, to teach others, but not only to teach them but to learn from them as well. Just before I conclude my thank you, I want to explain that volunteering has never been about the award given to me in the end or reaching the 40 hours of volunteering community service required to graduate; it has always meant that the processes and lessons taught will carry a much greater value with me in the end.”

Added Mayor Mrakas: “She spreads her sunshine and positivity wherever she goes. Not only is she a wonderful role model for young people, she reminds all generations that our hearts do not have a limit and giving is an action that never runs dry.”

By Brock Weir
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Post date: 2021-01-14 20:14:39
Post date GMT: 2021-01-15 01:14:39
Post modified date: 2021-01-14 20:14:45
Post modified date GMT: 2021-01-15 01:14:45
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