
Council has lost the budget plot

February 5, 2014   ·   0 Comments

(Re: Aurora tax increase stands at 3.81% before final approval, January 30)

The Aurora taxes are set to increase by 3.81%.
I say this Council has lost the plot. Pensioners will likely receive about 0.9% increase for 2014, and inflation is running about 1.2% give or take. On what planet does this Council belong?
They need to realize that this left wing mentality of TAX and SPEND belongs in the past. Work harder, cut costs and stay within the inflationary boundary; it ain’t rocket science. It is simple household budgetary constraint.
We have to decide if we want a library, museum or historical society? If we do, then these need to considered as part of Aurora’s culture and paid for by giving up other activities. Do we really need all these soccer, baseball, hockey and swimming facilities?
Do we really need a Youth Center? Who will use it? Is it a white elephant? Time will tell.
If we do, then maybe user fees need to be added or increased. In times of constraint you have to make choices. Do a survey of exactly how many people use or wish to use these facilities.
Come on Council; sort it out and control your spending please.

Robert Grattage



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