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Fresh, new Aurora Farmers’ Market season blooms May 4

April 25, 2024   ·   0 Comments

“May the fourth” be with the Aurora Farmers’ Market as it sprouts for another season on possibly the one day of the year most popular with Star Wars fans.

The Market, a popular Saturday gathering space in the spring, summer, and fall returns to Town Park on Saturday, May 4 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Market will operate each Saturday through October 25.

The launch of the new Farmers’ Market season coincides with Pollinator Month and this celebration will be marked in many ways throughout the Market space for the month of May.

Following the May 4 Grand Opening, special event days for the balance of the season will include a Spring Festival on May 25; a Strawberry Festival on June 29, which coincides with a bevy of Canada Day-related activities; a Customer Appreciation Day on July 27; the annual Community Corn Roast on August 24; the Harvest Festival on October 12; and the ever-popular Halloween Parades set for October 26.

In addition to these special event days, September 14 will see the annual kick-off for the Stuff a Truck Campaign. Here, each year the Market teams with NewRoads Automotive Group to encourage Market-goers to help stuff a truck with a variety of goodies, all of which are donated to the Aurora Food Pantry.

Given the Market opens on May 4 this year, visitors might expect to see a few attractions for Star Wars fans, including a “Stormtrooper” eager to meet guests.

This Market season will boast an average of 45 vendors each Saturday and organizers say there will be “something for everyone.”

The Aurora Farmers’ Market has been a firm favourite with residents since it first opened on Temperance Street in 2002. Since that time, it has grown from just six vendors to more than 40 at its permanent home at Town Park.

For more information, visit

By Brock Weir
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter



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