Columns » Opinion


April 4, 2019   ·   0 Comments

By Mayor Tom Mrakas

What an exciting night for Aurora.

This past week, at a Special Meeting of Aurora Town Council, our community took a big step forward in the revitalization of our downtown core as Council approved the design and proposed funding strategy for the Library Square project!

We heard from a number of delegates including key stakeholders representing the Library, the BIA, the Chamber and the Cultural Centre expressing enthusiastic support for this transformative project.

We had a lively debate and discussion around the Council table. A number of questions were raised, in particular as it relates to parking and to funding, all of which were addressed by staff, architects and/or the consultants.

This is a pivotal point in our Town’s history and one that will change the trajectory of our community.

Our residents are excited about this project and I am incredibly proud of Council for working together to take this next step to move the project from concept to reality.

In many ways, we are returning to the roots of our Town by bringing our downtown core back to its former glory and making it a dynamic community gathering space once again. We are investing in our community and I’m confident this will encourage businesses to follow suit and invest in downtown Aurora.  I am looking forward to our shared future of positive change.

That is all for this week. As always if you would like to get into contact with me please feel free to contact me anytime by phone 905-727-3123 ext. 4746 or by email and if you would like to sign up for more newsletters and council updates then please visit to join the growing list of Aurorans that are staying informed.



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