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Neville-Lake Family Memorial Day moves to King’s Wellesley Park

August 2, 2016   ·   0 Comments

By Mark Pavillons

Due to the overwhelming response from the community, organizers have moved the Neville-Lake Family Memorial to a new location.

Hundreds of people are expected on Sunday, August 14 at Wellesley Park in King City, to commemorate the three Neville-Lake children and their grandfather who were fatal victims in a tragic drinking and driving crash in September of last year.

Organizers created this memorial for parents Ed and Jennifer so they would have a permanent place to honour their children and father.
Jennifer Neville-Lake grew up in King City.

Through donations from the community, organizers have planted four trees with plaques dedicated to the deceased children Daniel, Harry, Milly and their grandfather, Gary Neville at Kettle Lake Park.

To accommodate the change in venue, the Township of King will be providing pictures of the memorial trees and the children at the new location to represent the original tribute.

The event runs 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The morning celebration starts at 11:30 a.m. with a dove release, with bubbles provided to children in attendance to blow during the release.

Activities for the family include food trucks, Reptilia, jumping castles, face painting, mascots, music, etc.

Donation boxes will be available on-site with all funds going directly to Jennifer and Ed Neville-Lake.

Wellesley Park is on the northwest corner of King Road and Keele Street.



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