This page was exported from The Auroran [ ] Export date:Sun Jun 30 17:31:04 2024 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: NEXT GEN VIEWS: Let's Get Serious --------------------------------------------------- By Wyatt Savage A serious interview with my Grandpa, Paul Savage: Today we will be comparing life from 1957 to 2017, mainly focusing on school-related things. Recently I called up my Grampa to compare his life as a student back in the day, to life as my friends and I know it. Old school - literally - it's the oldest opinion I could find. I was hoping to find out who had it worse - kids today, or kids 60 years ago? Hope you enjoy! 1. How did you get to school? Now: I take a bus. Then: I never went to school on a bus, I always walked. 2. What did you have for lunch at school? Now: It varies every day. Then: A sandwich and milk or fries and milk. 3. Did you have any homework? Now: I have tons of homework. Then: I had a bit but I didn't do it, so I did Grade Eleven 3 times. 4. What happens if you get in trouble at school? Now: My parents take away my phone. Then: My parents would ground me, but I would talk them out of it. 5. What are you listening to on your Beats by Dre headphones? Now: Some rap that uses slang words that you probably don't understand. Then: I loved the Beatles, but I could barely hear them because people didn't know how to make speakers. 6. What were your chores around the house? Now: Too many things to name them all. Then: Nothing, I was a lazy child. I would just sit on the couch in my overalls and eat fries and a carton of skimmed milk. 7. What is your favourite Snapchat filter? Now: The face swap filter. Then: Who is Snapchat? 8. What is your favorite TV series currently on Netflix? Now: 24 Legacy Then: There was no Netflix, only 6 TV channels. My favourite show was Leave It To Beaver. A movie would cost about $1.50. 9. What was your favorite meal your mom would make you? Now: Nothing, all she makes are salads. Then: Roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding. 10. What do you think kids should do or should have done differently with their lives? Now: Be less boring. Then: Get more fresh air and get off their GBin (I think he meant XBox) So there you have it, the comparison of a kid's life now versus back then! These answers are word for word exactly what my Grandpa said. There were some questions where I got answers that were not suitable for the newspaper so I didn't include them for obvious reasons - but whatever. Thank you grandpa! Respect your elders kids! --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2017-02-22 17:34:01 Post date GMT: 2017-02-22 22:34:01 Post modified date: 2017-02-22 17:34:01 Post modified date GMT: 2017-02-22 22:34:01 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Export of Post and Page as text file has been powered by [ Universal Post Manager ] plugin from