
SENIOR SCAPE: Summer is for Seniors

September 18, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Jim L. Abram

Summer is nearing its inevitable end. Rain will soon turn to snow. The world may belong to the young, but that was not altogether true at our Aurora Seniors’ Centre.
The world belonged to us too. New bocce courts, new outdoor Pickle ball courts use. Barbecues. Friends. Conversations. Goodwill.
I have two sayings that I often repeat to those who will listen. The first is how success should be measured. Success is something that is achievable by all of us. Success should not be judged by how much money you make. Success should not be judged by how much power you have. Success should not even be judged by how many friends you think you have. Success should be judged by how many times you smile in a day and how you share that smile with friends and strangers alike.
My other saying that I repeat often is just this: There are the good guys and there are the bad guys and then there are us. I like it when I observed such tolerance, compassion and spirit of giving amongst members and visitors to the Aurora Seniors’ Centre.


I have often listened to seniors talk about the lack of parking available at the Aurora Seniors’ Centre. Certainly when the planners conceived and built both the Aurora Town Hall and the Aurora Seniors’ Centre, coupled with the demands for parking for those who enjoy the parking lot as a start off point to enjoy walks through the Arboretum, they may have underestimated the demand for precious parking space.
I’m sure the many visitors to the Petch House will further exacerbate the problem! When the Town was constructing the new bocce courts, I heard several people say: “Oh, good, they are building more parking.” Wrong. Please do not park on the bocce courts!
Town Hall is also stretched to capacity and in need of additional parking. There is good news to report. The Town Council is currently debating the approval for financing and construction of additional parking lot expansion on the southwest corner of the Town Hall. The current debate is to approve construction of an additional 16 parking spaces.
There is a need for an additional budget of $87,000 to complete the project. The additional funds are required due to grading issues, the addition of a retaining wall and the installation of high pressure LED lighting which will lower energy demand for the entire parking lot.
When the debate touched on the parking needs of the Seniors’ Centre, Deputy Mayor John Abel quipped “perhaps there is a revenue opportunity here.” Please let me reassure you that I am sure Councillor Abel was just joking. John is one of the biggest supporters of the Centre.
Stop the petition. Put away your pitchforks and use your walking canes for good, not evil. Canes are not weapons. But if Rick keeps speeding through the parking lot on his new senior electric mobility scooter, police radar might be seen in the parking lot. But alas, no toll booth, at least not for now.

Good news for Aurora Seniors Association members! The volunteers of the Budget Bistro once again start serving their delicious lunch this Wednesday, September 18. Join us for lunch every Wednesday at the Seniors’ Centre at noon. Only $4.00 per person. Your Bistro lunch includes a combo lunch, coffee/tea and dessert! Doors open at 11.45 a.m. (Tickets limited to 65 each day) No reservations needed, while quantities last. Please note that the numbered tickets will only be issued after 11:00 am.

On Friday, September 27th beginning at 7 p.m., the Aurora Silver Stars Drama Club will be producing another Murder Mystery for your enjoyment! Tickets are $5 each and are available at the Reception Desk of the Aurora Seniors’ Centre. The ticket price includes refreshments and all ages are welcome.


A correction to a previous column reference. You are invited to join the Prevention of Elder Abuse Committee of York Region at the Newmarket Optimist Club on Thursday, September 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 55 Forhan Avenue, Newmarket for their official website launch and recognition celebration.
Learn about the new website and peer led education program networking. There will be a Fraud presentation by Robyn Kassam, Seniors Safety Officer of York Region Police Services. You can register on-line for the event at If you have any questions, please e-mail or call 416-889-9956.

My Final Word: Please drive cautiously, responsibly and be considerate of pedestrians and other motorists.

For more information on the Aurora Seniors’ Centre and all it has to offer, drop by 90 John West Way, visit the web site, email or call 905-726-4767 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.



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