
Speed monitoring – not speed cushions – is needed on Kennedy Street: resident

October 21, 2015   ·   0 Comments

I was reading in The Auroran that Council is considering installing speed bumps on Kennedy between McGee and Murray.
As reported in The Auroran, these speed bumps are to be installed as a result of resident’s complaints of speeding traffic and are designed to slow the traffic. Further in the article is stated that local residents were notified of a meeting to discuss these measures.
We were not notified of any meeting and we live on McGee Crescent. We would be greatly impacted by the installation of these speed bumps.
I fail to understand why the Town of Aurora feels that it has to control the speed of the traffic when I would think that it is the responsibility of York Regional Police that should be monitoring speed and fining the drivers that exceed speed limits set by the Town.
Why are the local residences being punished by having to endure these speed bumps on a daily basis to control the speed of the very few that supposedly exceed the speed limits on Kennedy?
Is the Town having a “knee jerk” reaction, or is there actual data that supports the need to control the speed of traffic on Kennedy? Who will pay for the extra wear and tear on our vehicles after the speed bumps have been installed?
I do not have a voice at Council, so I must rely on you to carry my thoughts to Council.
I vote NO to the installation of any speed bumps to be installed on Kennedy.
I vote yes to asking the York Region Police to monitor and fine speeders on Kennedy.
I vote yes to the installation of traffic speed monitoring equipment that would tell drivers that they are exceeding the speed limits.
Let’s take the correct measures for the all residents and make sure that we all have our say.

George Hughes



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