
Who is kidding who? asks reader

March 9, 2016   ·   0 Comments

It was with a great deal of concern one read MPP Chris Ballard’s item “Ontario investing $100 million to help owners save energy.”
Will this be another in the long string of failed initiatives on the energy file? The energy file which has been so egregiously mismanaged by our Government for the last many years? Remember the Smart Meter program started to “help citizens manage their hydro usage and save money” started by McGuinty? How is that working for everyone? Hundreds of millions spent for zero benefits and ever increasing hydro costs.
This was followed by the cancelled gas plants costing another nearly $1 billion.
To add insult to injury, while these failed projects were going on we had the exclusive contract given to Samsung costing more billions.
This is the contract that forces wind installations on rural communities whereby the land owners have no recourse to protect their property values. With, and despite these initiatives, we have the highest hydro rates in the country.
Rates that are squeezing homeowners’ budgets and driving industry and jobs out of the province.
Wouldn’t it be great if our Government got to work on lowering hydro costs versus painting wonderful, cheery horizons that never come to pass?
We have a serious credibility issue here.

John Greenhough



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